How do you decide what matters most? How can you tell how you’re doing in those areas? To whom are you accountable? And when is a good time to stop and evaluate your life and how would you do this?
Reviewing your life can be an eye-opener. Life changes quickly and often our outlook changes as we get older. I have a good story. Takes about two minutes. Want to hear it?
A friend of mine who is the CEO of a successful business was reflecting on his younger, in-his-twenties self. He recalled that to him then, life was about being in The City, absorbed in all The City had to offer and chasing down a solid career. He was single, free and – as he put it – serving the ‘holy trinity’ of Me, Myself and I.
Then something happened, a turn of events you might say, that caused him to look at the legacy he was leaving. He had been offered the opportunity to own a 25% stake in the company he was working in. This was his dream. He thought. However, in the process of reflection, he met with a defining moment; something else got his attention. This something else was: Purpose.
That’s right, Purpose. Your purpose is bigger than your career. Our career should be in the service of our purpose, not the other way around. When this man evaluated his life against his legacy, he realised that his personal core values had become compromised. People had become stepping stones and he felt that the business of his employer did little to prolong life when he would rather celebrate life.
He turned the opportunity down, went freelance and started to become involved with charitable works. Today, this journey has led him to a place where he owns a creative agency with people at its centre, working with companies that share his values and those of his team and giving back to charitable causes. Legacy.
When we are crystal clear on our personal values, we make choices which are aligned with those values and therefore move us in the direction of our purpose.
In our case, at GL integrity, all the ‘what we do’ and the ‘how we do it’ is informed and directed towards a ‘Why we do it’ that speaks to:
- Building Generations
- Inspiring Integrity
- Deepening Relationships
- Discovering Purpose
We believe these values enable us to serve our clients better. So today, we are giving you exclusive access to our ‘F.I.T. for Purpose’ questionnaire.
It will help put life into perspective and make sure that you are actively valuing the things which are important to you instead of – as Stephen Covey said – getting stuck “in the thick of thin things.”(Covey 1989)
We’ll give you a concise report complete with a score that will help you prioritise what is important in your finances, your relationships and your health.
And when you know what’s important, it’s easy to see what’s not. When you have the right values in place, you’ll attract the right people to work with you, you’ll place a greater value on your time and you’ll do the things which matter with those who matter most.
So, what about that creative agency? Well, it’s our pleasure to say it’s Cre8ion, the very team that help us serve you better, by reflecting our values in our brand and this website.
When you have alignment, you have agreement and with agreement, you have new capacity, capability and creativity.
Get started today. Why not give it a go? You won’t regret it.
“When your values are clear, your decisions are easy.” – Roy Disney.
Covey, S.R. (1989) The seven habits of highly effective people. United States of America: Simon and Schuster
Kind Regards

Andrew Stinchcomb
Lead Navigator
Certified Financial Planner™ professional
Chartered Wealth Manager™
Investors should remember that the value of investments, and the income from them, can go down as well as up. This update has been produced for information purposes only and isn’t intended to constitute financial advice; investments referred to may not be suitable for everyone.