Let’s assume you know your purpose, or that you want to know the benefits of knowing it before settling on it. There are several benefits and principles you’ll enjoy when you’re committed to your purpose.
What are they?
You’ll find it’s easier to say no.
You will focus on the right things, not just the ‘easy’ things.
In a culture that is scared to offend, saying “Yes” and perhaps later regretting it leads us into the trap of trying to please all the people all the time. Not only does this risk resentment at a situation we created by over-committing, it leads us to neglect ourselves and our loved ones and can drain our self-esteem when we back out of commitments we have made to others. It’s a bit of a pickle.
When you know your purpose, it’s liberating because you make choices which move you in alignment with it, rather than taking you further away from it.
The word, “Yes” can be the enemy of focus. The knack is to first know your strengths and maximise them whilst building a strong network of people around you in areas where you are weaker.
And to say “No” (nicely) more often!
You can enjoy the journey.
When you know the destination, you can enjoy the process of getting there.
The fun is in the building. New relationships, new countries and new opportunities present themselves as you begin to build your tomorrows, today.
The seldom recognised benefits in setting your goals are not so much in their achievement, although that’s exciting, but in what you will become as a person in order to achieve them – the skills you’ll need; what you’ll learn and the personal growth you’ll experience.
It might take a lifetime to realise some of your goals, but don’t put your day to day life on hold! Smile, and enjoy the journey!
You can take time out.
Knowing that following your purpose is a journey, you’ll learn to pace yourself.
Many people talk about productivity. That’s about managing our energy levels as much as anything else. It’s not about putting in all the hours, it’s about making the hours that you put into it count. Cutting down a tree with a blunt axe will take longer with more effort than if you stop to take the time out to sharpen the axe.
When we’re tired we tend to react to events when they go wrong, rather than respond. We lose perspective. Troubles are magnified. When things don’t go to plan we need a clear head to navigate a way through.
I try to remember this tip when I feel overly busy and overly tired: go to bed one hour earlier every night for a week. By the end of the week you will have gained an extra night’s sleep – and a bucket load more perspective!
You’ll attract like-minded people.
When you are clear and ‘on purpose’, people are attracted by your confidence.
Winners win, and they win because they hang around people who know how to win. Circumstances may come to challenge you but overcoming adversity is a must as you move in alignment with your purpose.
Positivity will always beat negativity. You need people with different outlooks to contribute to the richness of life, but be sure they help you to move forward, not hold you back and persuade you out of your journey.
Lastly on your journey…
You’ll experience gratitude.
My friend and coach, Doug Carter, starts his coaching calls with the question: “Ok, three best things?” What is he doing? He’s setting up the habit of gratitude within me because he knows that to reflect on the three best things for which I am grateful since we last spoke builds resourcefulness within me and infuses me with peace. And it will do the same for you.
When we have a sense of entitlement we expect the world to give us something. This is unrealistic. Whereas when we are thankful for who we are, where we are, what we have and purposeful in our choices, we see those good things will and do come to pass and we notice all the things for which we can be grateful that we otherwise would take for granted.
Gratitude is the attitude of the longer-term view which will leave us constantly amazed, whereas entitlement is a short-term view which leads us to deep frustration.
In a place of gratitude, we understand the importance of enjoying ‘the now’ and looking at life through the lens of realistic optimism.
Of course, the power of purpose operates in all realms of life, and not least in bringing meaning and direction to our financial choices for ourselves and future generations. You may have discovered this truth already with a purpose led financial planner. You may not.
If not, why not discover the XYZ of Financial Planning for yourself?
If this approach resonates with you, we’d love to help you make a start on your journey. Just give us a call, drop us an email or pop in and we’ll facilitate your tailored GL Passport as your first step, with our compliments.
We hope that our occasional updates provide you with some valuable content and food for thought. Keep tuning in!
Until the next time, let me leave you with this quotation:
“Carve your name on hearts, not tombstones. A legacy is etched into the minds of others and the stories they share about you.” ― Shannon L. Alder
Kind Regards

Andrew Stinchcomb
Lead Navigator
Certified Financial Planner™ professional
Chartered Wealth Manager™
Investors should remember that the value of investments, and the income from them, can go down as well as up. This update has been produced for information purposes only and isn’t intended to constitute financial advice; investments referred to may not be suitable for everyone.