Hello, we have some exciting news to share with you all – the launch of our NEW website for GL Integrity Financial Planning.
We evaluated our communications to help better assist you and others who are committed to purpose driven financial planning.
We wanted a website that would not only communicate the journey we are sharing but also to keep you up-to-date with our latest insights into the financial landscape and to provide inspiration for you to keep living the dream.
Over time we will give you resources to download and a client community log-in area. We are always open to hearing how we can make your experience even better in line with our mission, vision and values, so please feel free to join in the conversation.
Our Mission:
We are interested in purpose driven investments, not just money for its own sake.
Our Vision:
We see the futures of generation X,Y and Z as being influenced by our today.
Our Values:
We are committed to improving the world around us and aim to do good by making a difference to our clients’ lives and their future generations.
Our mission, vision and values…
Remaining committed to impacting generations:
Looking forward is crucial: foresight and due diligence are all part of paving a pathway towards success. We start our process with the end in mind. This extends to those we hope to impact in the future, it’s not just the here and now. We are building the future for our children’s children as well as our own.
Serving you better by inspiring integrity:
GL Integrity maintain high standards when dealing with your finances. Integrity throughout our business matters. We aim to be open and honest with you. We seek to model the same financial responsibility to you that we would expect from you, creating a synergistic atmosphere that is rewarding to both parties.
Communication which deepens our relationship to give you better outcomes:
Open channels of communication means better relationships, which means we can better understand and tailor your finances to your needs and goals. Our desire is that our conduct will always be of such a level that our clients wouldn’t want to go anywhere else.
Discovering purpose remains at the heart of all we do:
We want to help people achieve their main ambition, their life’s goals and help them take the steps needed towards financing that dream. With sage advice and a sound strategy we want to embolden people to lead fulfilling lives with resources they see around them and those they have yet to recognise.
And finally…
We are grateful to the team at Cre8ion for their diligence in seeking first to understand at a deep level how we wish to serve you before designing our brand and this website. We cannot recommend them highly enough.
We are excited about the new things we are looking to bring you over the course of the coming months and years.
Kind regards

Andrew Stinchcomb
Lead Navigator
Certified Financial Planner™ professional
Chartered Wealth Manager™
Investors should remember that the value of investments, and the income from them, can go down as well as up. This update has been produced for information purposes only and isn’t intended to constitute financial advice; investments referred to may not be suitable for everyone.